The right Weapon (SIB)

A Skill in Bonus or SIB weapon shows that you are inside the bonus area for that said weapon, see this example for me listed above for the ISIS CB13 (L) the "L" means nonrepairable from decay. This one was selling near destroyed for 38.20 PED + Markup (which is generally high on these weapons as people need them to gain skill bonuses on their attacks).

Notice for me under the catagory, Skill increase bonus:
Learning period Damage; NOT YET, meaning my skill is not high enough to give me bonuses.
Learning period HIT: NOT ANYMORE, means I have outgrown the weapon in this catagory and still no bonus in this area when using the weapon.
The other options are:
NEVER: Meaning this item will never give you a Skilling bonus.
YES: Means you are dead on and can level the said catagory fast using that item.
This metric works for all items and weapons that have a possible skilling bonus. When trying to level your skills it is a faster process to use a weapon that falls into YES in both catagories.
Notice also:
The split number fields (i.e. attacks per minute / Max etc)
The number on the left is where your skill has you set presently, the number on the right is the MAX the weapon or item can offer. Another thing to take into account when getting a new weapon for training or hunting. You want to be close or max in these areas for maximum effeciency. You will hit more for a longer distance for more damage and critical impacts!!!

It is thought that a balance between you and your Level, your weapon being in the SIB range best for you, and killing Monsters (MOBS) equal in said strength and HP, will bring you more Globalz and HOFF. The Svhg Corp, believes this could be a factor, but the most important factor of them all is this- Persistance and Location, Location, Location!!!